3 Steps When Drafting a Will
Estate Planning Lawyer
A person’s last will and testament is a vastly influential document, and there are legal requirements that must be considered when preparing one. Each state has differing requirements, so you have to make sure that you understand each aspect so that the will is legally-binding. You can help yourself by researching information for your state and contacting a lawyer who is knowledgeable in estate planning law.
Here are three tips to consider when writing the first draft of your estate plan:
#1 Choose Your Executor Wisely
Think about who you care about the most, and who you trust to handle your estate after passing. The executor will have an important role performing tasks such as locating assets, distributing to heirs, hiring appraisers to value property, and so much more. Be sure that this person is someone who would have your best interest at heart after you have passed on.
#2 Small Stuff Is Important, Too
When drafting your will, you will have to write a list of your assets. It can be easy to think of only the big stuff, like vehicles, property, and bank accounts. However, don’t forget about smaller assets that may or may not have a high value, such as sentimental items, art collections, jewelry, and family heirlooms. Furthermore, be sure to write down where your eecutor an find these items so they don’t have to search high and low for them.
#3 Get Support Along the Way
Even if you feel confident about drafting your will, consider finding a local lawyer who understands estate planning. He or she can guide you and answer questions along the way. Your lawyer can also watch out for your best interests and make sure there are no errors or forgotten elements of your estate plan.
For insight into writing your will or other estate plan documents, think about reaching out to an estate planning lawyer from Kaplan Law Firm today.